

Sunday 11 August 2013

One hard rocking Blender 3D coming up! :) - Project “Loading” _final stages

It has been quite interesting within past eight months (three planned), maybe little longer. Learned quite a mountain of knowledge about animating, compositing, video processing, concept, modeling, rigs and whole bunch of tips & tricks throughout the entire process. I'm satisfied, needless to say. Now, as far as it goes for this particular project,  first aim was to create working model, which is going to be a kind of a model like if there were only one artist to work over the whole project. This would be the one of the reasons why it took me so long to work on this first, bigger, personal as well project. Putting the whole model in right order, to say it in other words. Other reasons are mostly technical, huge pain in some situations.

So here it comes, few rendered scenes, a bit of introduction.

Hallway breakdown/reel - segment only:

This is a hallway breakdown, entire breakdown/reel from the project will come really soon. Even this is really simplified scene, I wanted richer environment, so i relied on compositing process, and for such a intent, I had to break the scene on many layers, for me to have freedom and manipulation required. It turns out it's quite simple process, yet opens up vast possibilities, I could dig in a lot further but it might take forever to animate.

One of the major step, within compositing process, was to actually colorize AO, so it helped me to kill cold fill of the original black and white AO.

One trick that i used to replace mist effect, which is achievable with camera, is to use Z pass through compositing. It gives a lot more manipulation than camera. Mist created with camera add transparensy to all layers, but in that situation, i no longer have 100% diffuse color, sometimes it just can't give result i want, so this comes as alternative i think.

Another feature i like is ability to separate halo through all layers, with Z pass gathering all information about object intersections, than i have correct halo pass to use. Gives a lot advantage.

Video contains three different enviroments, one environment is shared, while other two, which are shown here, are made with the similar compositing technic. I needed low lightened, intense and abandoned environments. And overall, i had to keep the whole thing quite simple. While the first one is created in a small space, second one had to be wide, vast space, huge indoor. Third one, is shown as underground environment. I probably won't talk about the story that lies behind the curtain, but i'll do my best to share some technics and tips i had the pleasure to work with.

There will be a lot of material for shareing after project is finished, so stay tuned!! :)


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